Quality Certification
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The Domus Pacis Hotel with its technologically advanced, organized, and functional Conference Center is a prestigious venue for Conventions, Congresses, business meetings, training courses, high-level seminars, and this is why the structure wants to pursue a higher level of service than that expected by customers, in a discreet and welcoming environment. that offers a wide choice of services, with the assurance of total compliance with current legislation.
To this end, our Structure has decided to develop a Quality Management System in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001 Standard, “Quality Management System”, which is described in the Quality Manual and defined in detail in the Company Procedures.
We are convinced that the quality of hospitality services depends heavily on our own resources. Professionalism, courtesy, willingness to listen and guest satisfaction as primary objectives are the elements that distinguish a quality service. It is precisely on these factors that we base the reception of our guests. These factors, combined with continuous investments in facilities and innovation, have led to a progressive growth in the quality of the services provided. To ensure these characteristics, our hotel considers it a priority to pursue the following strategies:
- Seek the satisfaction of its guests;
- Seek satisfaction by best use of one’s own resources;
- Research into the continuous improvement of the services provided and the efficiency of related processes;
- Reduce Non-Quality costs;
- Have continuous staff training;
- Improve access to services and information to the user.
In order to offer a further guarantee with respect to these principles and certify the quality of our services by an impartial and authoritative third party, the “Certiquality” Quality Certification Institute has been appointed, a member of the IQNet (International Certification Network) circuit that brings together the most prestigious certification bodies from 35 countries around the world.
Certiquality is a body at the service of companies accredited for the certification of company management systems for quality, environment, safety and product certification, Certiquality also operates in the verification of food safety, information systems and training.
We have therefore obtained the certification of our quality system in accordance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2008, for the provision of hotel, restaurant and conference services.
The Certification has been made public on the official website of Accredia, the Italian Accreditation Body, the only national body authorized by the State to carry out accreditation activities.
Cert. no.: 9276/2
Provincia Serafica di S. Francesco O.F.M. Domus Pacis
ISO 9001:2008 – Quality Management Systems
Issued: 18-05-2005
All Company Managers are required to implement the Quality System, to disseminate knowledge of it and to systematically monitor operational activities, in order to ensure that all Personnel operate with adequate competence with regard to the quality requirements of the service and the operating methods defined in the established procedures.
All Collaborators are committed to pursuing the continuous improvement of quality in the development of their activities, within the framework of the company policy and directives.
The Quality System Manager, who reports directly to the Management, is given the authority to ensure that the Quality Management System is applied and maintained in accordance with the reference Standard and is entrusted with the task of reporting to the Management on the progress of the Quality System, so as to allow effective review and direct improvement.